Jul 14, 2021
Waterstones to encourage shoppers to wear masks in stores
Waterstones said in a tweet: "Following the lift of restrictions on 19 July across England, we will observe new government guidance. Given our enclosed browsing environment, we encourage our customers to wear face masks and observe social distancing, respecting the safety of staff and fellow book lovers." From Monday 19 July the government has said wearing face coverings in England will be recommended but not mandatory. London Transport said on Tuesday it would require passengers on the Tube, bus and its overground railways to wear masks. Timpsons shoe repair and key cutting chain, which has more than 2,000 shops, is leaving mask wearing as a matter of personal choice for customers. Aside from Sainsburys, which said last week that mask wearing will be a matter of personal choice for customers, leading supermarkets have not so far publicly stated their approach.
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