May 2, 2024

Uber faces £250m London black cab drivers lawsuit

Uber is facing a multi-million pound legal claim being brought on behalf of almost 11,000 London black cab drivers. The claimants also say Uber's intention was to "Unlawfully... take business from existing black cab drivers", according to a statement by RGL. "Uber seems to believe it is above the law and cabbies across London have suffered loss of earnings because of it," said Garry White, who has been a black cab driver for 36 years. Uber has also been the focus of demonstrations organised by London's black cab drivers. "Since 2018, Uber has made significant contributions into various state-level taxi compensation schemes, and with today's proposed settlement, we put these legacy issues firmly in our past," Uber said in a statement. In December 2023, Uber won a lawsuit brought against it by 2,500 taxi drivers in France.

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