Jul 3, 2024

Ex-Post Office chair denies hiding key Horizon report

Former Post Office chair Tim Parker has denied deliberately hiding a key report he commissioned into the Horizon IT system from members of the Post Office board. On Wednesday, an inquiry into the scandal heard that only four copies of the Swift report were made, none of which were shared with the Post Office board or the government. Although supportive of the Post Office in parts, it raised key concerns about whether the Post Office had enough evidence to bring charges of theft. Mr Parker, who became chair of the Post Office in October 2015, and remained in the role until September 2022, told the inquiry that top Post Office lawyer Jane MacLeod had advised him not to share the Swift report because it was legally privileged. Mr Parker said he was told that breaching this could have resulted in the report being made public, and that it needed to be kept within the "tightly knit" Post Office legal team.

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